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The Secret Power of Human Vision

Discover the Transformative Art of Deeply Seeing 

and Appreciating the World Around You

Free Program Series
Featuring World-Renowned Spiritual Teachers 
Matthew Fox
Patricia Cota-Robles
Sister Jenna

3 Free Programs

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See Everything Anew

Join Humanity's Team for this Awe-inspiring Program
The world we live in is one of extremes. We have a wealth of possibilities available to us for the compassionate, connective and creative expression of our humanness, but these exist side by side with misguided, fear-based behaviors that anchor us in the same divisiveness, conflict and suffering that have held humanity back for thousands of years…  

And while many people throughout the world continue to awaken to the foundational Oneness of everything in the Universe, most of them don’t yet fully grasp the implications of that connection giving each of us access to the power of the Universe itself to manifest the positive expressions we are inspired to create in our own lives and in the lives of others. 

One of the most effective ways of tuning into and channeling that power is through the way we use our own eyes to “see” and interpret the world around us. To help you master this universal ability, these three highly respected spiritual teachers have come together to share with you the unique skills and insights that will enable you to avoid getting held back by the negative and destructive elements in the world, and make it possible for you to instead be a more potent and effective force for positive expression and change.


Program 1:

The “Nature” of Awe: 

Discover the Deeper Inspiration the Natural World Offers You

Every Single Day of Your Life

with Matthew Fox

In Matthew’s FREE Program, you will discover how to…
Develop a deeper relationship with the natural world that will allow you to fully experience your foundational connection to everyone and everything
Use a technique for looking at the nature around you and within you that allows you to see both a mirror and a window into your soul and the marvelous beginning of the Universe 
Carry the connective feelings that arise during your time spent in nature into everything else you do in your daily life, enhancing your experiences and giving you access to greater power to create positive outcomes
Recognize when you are in need of refreshing your connection to nature and everything that connection carries with it
Use your own ever-deepening awareness of this foundational connection to help others quickly and profoundly engage their power for compassion, healing, and justice-making
Program 2:
The True Power of Light: 
Tuning Your Eyes to More Fully See and Experience
the Extraordinary Wonder of the World Around You

with Patricia Cota-Robles
In Patricia's FREE Program, you will discover how to…
Use inner and outer light together to fully illuminate the world around you
Reach a deeper understanding of the nature of light itself and its role in our human experience
“Tune” your vision to the fundamental elements that make up everything in the Universe, allowing you to see everything through that connective lens
Use a powerful technique for allowing the Divine energy of the Universe to guide your vision and your interpretation of all you see
Tap into your universal connection and allow it to help you move beyond your ego and into deeper levels of compassion and empathy for all you see 

Program 3:

What We Have in Karma: 

The Power of Seeing the World and Everything in it

as One Big Organic and Balanced Whole

with Sister Jenna

In Sister Jenna's FREE Program, you will discover how to...
Understand the subtle and not so subtle forms of karma and how you can generate more positive karma in the way you look at the world as you live your day-to-day life
Hold your awareness of our foundational Oneness in your conscious mind at all times, even when faced with difficult challenges or painful circumstances
Interact with others and everything you encounter in the world in a way that allows you to see and feel the deeper connective thread that ties us all together 
Use the implications of our Oneness to improve your station and your experience of your life
Develop your ability to “see karma coming” before you commit to actions in the world, making it easier to choose productive and restorative actions
Here’s what People are Saying about Matthew Fox:
“Matthew Fox might well be the most creative, the most comprehensive, surely the most challenging religious-spiritual teacher in America.”
—Thomas Berry, author of The Great Work
“Fox encourages us to see God's on-going creation in everyday experiences, and to unleash our own creative spirit as a means of connection and co-creation with God.” 
—Vera M. 
“I love how Matthew Fox makes spirituality an artistic adventure for all of us. His books help to keep spirituality active and loving—something one participates in everyday instead of just at church on Sundays or in sitting meditation.”
—Marion F.
Here’s what People are Saying about Patricia Cota-Robles:
“Patricia is fabulous! She will share the Bigger Picture which will assist those on the path of enlightenment and those searching for answers. I'm an avid follower of her work and I'm grateful to have her on the planet to assist us all.”
—Sally B.
“Transcendent and cleanly practical at the same time: a plan of angelic action to raise up all of humanity, Patricia Cota-Robles’s The Company of Heaven answers questions, opens doorways, and leads us home.”
—Shasha K.
“I've been a Lightworker for over 10 years and the daily struggle through exhaustion, frustration and disappointment gets very challenging. I have found that Patricia's tools helps me to focus. The inspiration I receive from Patricia is the greatest blessing and guidance I have found during these turbulent times.” 
—Gayle L.
Here’s what People are Saying about Sister Jenna:
“Sister Jenna brings a kind of leadership that crosses the barriers of religion, gender, nationality and political party. And she is helping each of us as we are being challenged to step into a bigger version of ourselves.” 
—Mary R.
“Sister Jenna has the gift of inspiring others through her excellent ability to communicate in a loving, humorous, manner...Her style appeals to many and here in Hollywood, when we announce she is coming to town and will speak—--the gathering of participants overflows. She is a blessing in so many lives.”
—Roz R.
“Sister Jenna is a special soul who knows true change has to come from the inside. She is as real as it gets and serves society worldwide. It is an honor to be touched by her presence.”

About Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox is a spiritual theologian, an Episcopal priest, and an activist for gender justice and eco-justice. He has written 37 books, including Naming the Unnameable: 89 Wonderful and Useful Names for God, The Lotus & the Rose: A Conversation Between Tibetan Buddhism & Mystical Christianity, and Original Blessing. He holds a doctorate in the history and theology of spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris, and is the founder of the University of Creation Spirituality in California. Along with the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa, he has been a recipient of the Abbey Courage of Conscience Peace Award, as well as the Gandhi King Ikeda Award, and the Tikkun National Ethics Award.

About Patricia Cota-Robles

Patricia Cota-Robles is cofounder and president of the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose, a nonprofit educational organization that sponsors the Annual World Congress On Illumination. Through her weekly online radio program, website, webinars, books, CDs, DVDs, and free seminars, she shares the information she is receiving from a source she describes as the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. She was a licensed marriage and family counselor for 20 years, has taught workshops in countries all over the world, participated in the first Global Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and had the honor of participating in the “Symphony of Peace Prayers,” a gathering of over 10,000 people that took place at sacred Mt. Fuji in Japan. 

About Sister Jenna

Sister Jenna is a spiritual leader, author, radio host, and renowned public speaker. She hosts a popular globally syndicated radio show, called America Meditating, and writes for Huffington Post, Positively Positive, Global Thrive, and the Good Men Project. The Empowering a Billion Women organization named her as one of the 100 most influential leaders in the world, and she has traveled to over 80 countries where she continues to provide practical life tools and empowering solutions to local and global problems, as well as spearheading a variety of initiatives for youth, women, governments, and communities both in the United States and abroad. She is the founder of the Meditation Museums in Washington DC, and has been the recipient of numerous awards including the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award.  

The Secret Power of Human Vision

Discover the Transformative Art of Deeply Seeing 
and Appreciating the World Around You

Free Program Series
Featuring World-Renowned Spiritual Teachers 
Matthew Fox
Patricia Cota-Robles
Sister Jenna

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