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Humanity's Team Newsletter – August 2020

You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.
~ George Michael

Welcome to Humanity's Team Newsletter where you can find a brief glimpse of a few things happening in our organization.
candes, rocks, water & lily
A Message from Steve


Re-imagining our role in the great shift in consciousness 

There is something really important that is not getting much attention in the media or on social networks, so I’m going to share my thoughts about it with you today.

It is the pivot that is necessary as we come out of COVID-19, the death of George Floyd, and other injustice occurring in today’s world.

We must shift from an unconscious pattern of living on Earth to conscious design and an elevated humanity supporting the well-being and balance for all living species. 

Our way of living on Earth is not sustainable. We’ve lost our sense of cohesion with nature, the Divine, and life. Collectively, we’ve been barreling down a dangerous path toward a future that leaves our children and future generations very exposed. 

And we can all feel the effects of this now. 

Even the transformational education industry is complicit in this. A few weeks ago, a program was heavily promoted by one of the biggest names in this space. The title was, ‘The Comeback Challenge.’ 

This challenge was all about hitting the accelerator to get back to American Dream accumulation. The program taught how to annihilate obstacles in our path, and it nailed this topic.

To be fair, it also talked about creating close relationships. But the program did not talk about the importance of going within to get in touch with conscience, deeper values, and to the Divine that resides within us all. There was no focus on the need to collectively awaken and become conscious. It was all about getting back to material reward by focusing on state, story, and strategy. 

This program and much of the collective discussion, even in conscious circles, often feels tone-deaf to the circumstances that I and many other thought leaders believe called in COVID in the first place. 

An author who joined one of our Community Circle calls recently said that in his opinion COVID was a call to ‘go to our room.’ He said the Universe had created sequester so we could take a time out to deeply consider our way of living on the Earth. 

He also said we are being invited to consider the error in our way of living, those things that are unconscious, in many cases our obsession with materialism at the expense of living consciously. 

So what does it look like when we create conscious organizations supporting the well-being of all?

I believe it looks like this. First, the organization has a culture rooted in our deep connection and Oneness. The culture places an emphasis on the inner journey and our being state and people in the organization practice living in Presence.

The culture of the organization embraces this in order that collaboration and decision-making come from this conscious place. 

The organization is loving and nurturing. It does not come from fear and scarcity. The organization is open and honest with all stakeholders. It is transparent about its activities and endeavors. 

Let's see how this actually looks:  

In the transformational education space, the organization creates programming supporting mature people on their conscious journey. Subjects such as healing, divine presence, empowerment, metaphysics, awe & wonder, conscious business, and leadership get attention because they address real needs. Programs are moderately priced and scholarships are offered to the community.

In the social networking space, the organization would create mechanisms to support health and well-being advocacy and processes to identify and take down false or harmful content. It would inform people—and especially parents and children—of habit-forming behaviors such as being online for too long on any given day. It would support the release of information on anything that might endanger the individual such as meeting a stranger based on online conversation. The organization is more about supporting and nurturing community than coining money.

Humanity’s Team community is conscious, so I’m guessing we are together on the importance of this moment. 

This is our moment of choice, is it not? If ever there were a moment to deploy all our conscious tools, it is now. 

I want to suggest that our inner journey is supremely important right now. This is always true but these are enormously challenging times, so in today’s world this takes on added importance. Focusing on inner guidance puts me in cohesion and flow with the Divine and nature. 

When I come into flow, I come into service.

I’m clear that I have no other function beyond being of service to the world around me. In my case, this means being of service to my family and Humanity’s Team. 

We are all called to a particular station in life, so I am certain you are clear on the priorities you are called to. We can feel it, and we know when we are there. 

I do not fatigue or worry easily, because I am not resisting flow or service. 

Do you feel this also? Do you feel guided to your station in life and the carrying out of your individual mission?

In many ways, we are well along in our journey from Homo sapien to what Barbara Marx Hubbard called Homo universalis. In Homo universalis we deeply feel our connection with the Divine, each other, and life. 

We become an expression of love. Not Eros love or a soft love that is not truthful, but an abiding love that we can feel in our heart and that seeks expression through service. In Homo universalis we become a citizen of the universe. The Earth, humanity, the animal kingdom, and the cosmos are our larger self, so we support that. 

Years ago there was talk of Birth 2012. Perhaps the birth of a new humanity and new Earth was too much to jam into one year, but Birth this generation is possible, isn't it so?


I believe this is precisely what is happening as we emerge from COVID and work together to manifest the shift of the ages. 


The current awakening and shift that are occurring is bringing humanity to another level of being. Let's re-imagine our role in this and place all of our energy at its disposal. 


I’m going to close by thanking all of you who seek to be love’s expression, who are in service, who are taking positive action, who are at the conscious station in life you were called to. 


We are evolving to Homo universalis. I believe evolution is calling the whole world to this place—humanity, the animal kingdom, and the Earth. Evolution has a certain destination and cannot be stopped once it reaches a particular momentum state. 


I believe we’ve crossed that threshold. We will come to this destination together. And some brave souls will go first. 


Thank you for being one of those brave souls! 


In service,  



Humanity Stream

Transformation at the Speed of the Soul

Welcome to Humanity Stream where you'll get 12-months of unlimited access to most of our Masterclasses (including all bonus material and other additional content), as well as an annual membership to Community Circle, our international community committed to living and embodying Oneness.

Have you ever seen a Peace Pole?  

Enjoy this thought-provoking video of “showing” peace. Watch for Steve Farrell in this inspiring video. Click here to watch.


Thank you to everyone who helps people during this pandemic. We can only imagine the tears of laughter, tears of sorrow, moments of intense silence eventually turning into times of talking out the work before you. We are with you in your hearts and hands as you make as much right as possible in these circumstances. We thank you for the good that you do. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Make a Difference  

Jane Goodall began her journey with Chimpanzees in her twenties and really only took a notebook and her love to better understand our (humans) closest relatives. She immersed herself in Gombe, now known as Tanzania, to observe these incredible animals and ended up truly befriending them. In this bittersweet footage, the time has come for Jane and one of her companions to graduate to separate paths. Click here or on the video to watch.

Complimentary Programs
Becoming thee New Human
Awaken the World to Oneness
Community Circle "First Friday" Schedule:

August 7th, 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern – hosted by Tim Noe
September 4th, 3pm Pacific / 6pm Eastern – hosted by Tim Noe

We hope you'll join us here!
If you’d like to call in through telephone:
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833
Webinar ID: 340 866 320
International numbers available here
News From World Regions
My name is Cristina Garcia. I am the country coordinator for Colombia.

Humanity’s Team Colombia took shape in September 2010. But was born (in my heart) since I read the first book of Conversations with God in 1999. At that time I was starting to study A Course in Miracles. Neale's books inspired my life and led me to believe that it was possible to live from the consciousness of oneness as A Course in Miracles proposes.
Awaken the World to Oneness

In 2009, after reading most of Neale's books, I wrote to him and expressed to him how profound his message had come into my life. Neale answered me: look for Humanity’s Team (HT).

I wrote to Gabriel Avruj who is the country coordinator for Argentina, (the only Spanish-speaking country that had a team at that time). He told me about HT and suggested I start study groups (via Skype). I started study groups with Spanish-speaking people.

In 2010 I was finishing my cycle in a Colombian company where I worked as a lawyer. I worked there for 12 years. I chose to take a step towards the path of my heart and became a Country Coordinator and started studying coaching and holistic disciplines.

When I started as Country Coordinator, HT gave me emails from Colombian people who had written to HT. I wrote to everyone on the list, approximately 120 people, 12 answered me. I invited them to the first study group at my home and 8 showed up. On September 22, 2010 the Team and study groups started. In these 10 years, we have not stopped.

We have done programs such as Guardian of Another, Peacemaker, meditations, study groups, circles of light, oneness prayer. We are 30 members, 8 active in initiatives of the Humanity Team. Our goal: (i) bring oneness to our daily lives, with us and our closest relationships and (ii) remember rules of life-based on love.

Active members: HyenSoonChu, Martha Isabel Rodríguez, Saide María Sarmiento, David Mendieta, María Fernanda López, Martha Lucia Rincón, Shirley Ovalle and me.

In June 2018 we created HT in Spanish. We are made up of the Country Coordinators of Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Spain, Brazil, Honduras, Peru, Venezuela and Colombia

I have also practiced meditation for several years; prayer is also an important part of my life. In 2017 I was inspired to make a holistic rosary that I practice with people who resonate with this practice.

In 2019 I had treatment for breast cancer. There were moments where in addition to meditation and prayer, conscious breathing was a healing path. I had panic attacks and deep sadness, conscious breathing helped me remember that I´m ONE with the resource and with everyONE; to feel that I am much more than the circumstances. That inspired me to promote global breathing. Through breathing focused on an intention, we could feel the ONE that we are and the power of our union.

In this decade our children have grown with me and my husband. They have grown in every way--physically and as good human beings. Ten years ago Santiago was 7 and Antonia 3, (please see the picture of them on the first Global Oneness.Day in 2010).

Now, they are two sensitive teenagers, committed to the earth. I have invited them to do conscious breathing; sometimes they do.

Lots of love and gratitude,

Cristina García Echeverri

Coordinadora Equipo de la Humanidad Colombia


To the Source of LOVE that connects all life in all its forms, to the Divine that is in Me and in everything, I recognize it and I melt in it, and I invoke so that through this Oneness Circle, the illusion of separation may be clarified and all of us remember life tools based on LOVE.

May we open ourselves to new ways of living, vibrating, from unconditional love, starting with the individual commitment to respond from love, confidentiality and respect as the basis of the oneness circle.

May the joy of this recalling and the clarity of this path, give strength to our minds and to our hearts, the certainty to live as ONE in this day and in this perspective on life. And so It Is.

Humanity´s Team Colombia


Awaken the World to Oneness
In each episode, we'll bring you important content around the timeless truth of Oneness — shared over millennia by spiritual mystical traditions and affirmed by modern science — an essential truth to embrace as we continue responding to the world's most chronic and acute challenges.

You can listen to our recent podcast interviews with Panache Desai here.
Humanity's Team Study Groups

A Course in Miracles Offerings

Humanity's Team book discussion group~

Join the Neale Donald Walsch book discussion group. This group meets every Sunday from 11am-12:00 noon Pacific Time. All are welcome. Group is moderated by Nannette Kennedy.

Here is the connect info. We are reading Neale Donald Walsch's book: Tomorrow's God.

To find the time in your area:

Here's the link to join the meeting:
Or use your telephone:
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 932 973 124
International numbers available:
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