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Science, Spirituality, and Conscious Living: A Unifying Perspective

Steve Farrell • Feb 01, 2024

In a world often perceived as divided between the realms of science and spirituality, the concept of conscious living emerges as a bridge—a unifying perspective that harmonizes these seemingly disparate domains. At first glance, science and spirituality may appear at odds, but a deeper examination reveals their alignment in the pursuit of understanding human existence and the universe. In this article, we will explore the convergence of modern science, spirituality, and the idea of conscious living–shedding light on their interconnectedness and the potential for a unifying perspective.

The Duality of Science and Spirituality

Science: The Pursuit of Knowledge

Science is the systematic quest for knowledge about the natural world and the universe. It is characterized by empirical observation, experimentation, and the formulation of testable hypotheses. Science seeks to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, from the microscopic world of subatomic particles to the vastness of galaxies.

Key tenets of science include:

  1. Empirical Evidence: Scientific theories and claims are grounded in empirical evidence obtained through observation and experimentation. This evidence forms the basis for scientific knowledge.
  2. Testability: Scientific hypotheses and theories must be testable and falsifiable. This means that they can be subjected to experimentation and, if necessary, disproven if the evidence contradicts them.
  3. Naturalism: Science operates under the assumption of naturalism, which means it seeks natural explanations for natural phenomena. It does not invoke supernatural or paranormal causes.
  4. Progressive Accumulation of Knowledge: Scientific knowledge evolves and accumulates over time. New discoveries build upon existing theories, leading to a deeper understanding of the universe.

Spirituality: The Quest for Meaning

Spirituality, on the other hand, transcends the boundaries of empirical observation and physicality. It is a deeply personal and often ineffable pursuit of meaning, purpose, and connection to something greater than oneself. While spirituality is highly diverse and can manifest in various forms, it often includes elements such as:

  1. Transcendence: Spiritual experiences often involve transcending the ordinary and accessing higher states of consciousness. These experiences may lead to feelings of interconnectedness and oneness.
  2. Moral and Ethical Frameworks: Spirituality often provides a moral and ethical framework for individuals, guiding their values and behaviors based on principles of compassion, love, and empathy.
  3. Inner Exploration: Many spiritual practices involve inner exploration and self-discovery. This may include meditation, prayer, introspection, and contemplation.
  4. Search for the Divine: Spirituality often involves a search for the divine or a higher power. It can take the form of religious beliefs or a more abstract quest for spiritual truth.

The Intersection of Science and Spirituality

While science and spirituality may appear distinct, there are areas where they intersect, offering a glimpse into their shared understanding of the universe:

1. The Study of Consciousness

Consciousness is a fundamental aspect of both science and spirituality. In science, the study of consciousness—often referred to as consciousness science or neuroscience—explores the nature of consciousness, its neural basis, and the relationship between the brain and subjective experience.

In spirituality, consciousness is often seen as the essence of the self and the source of spiritual insight. Practices such as meditation and mindfulness aim to deepen one's awareness and access higher states of consciousness.

The convergence: Both science and spirituality acknowledge the significance of consciousness. While science seeks to understand its neural underpinnings, spirituality explores its transcendental aspects.

2. Quantum Physics and Mystical Experiences

Quantum physics, a branch of science that delves into the behavior of subatomic particles, has sparked intriguing connections with spirituality. Quantum phenomena, such as entanglement and non-locality, challenge classical notions of reality and suggest a deep interconnectedness in the universe.

Some spiritual perspectives draw parallels between quantum principles and mystical experiences. They propose that the interconnectedness observed in quantum physics aligns with spiritual notions of oneness and unity.

The convergence: Quantum physics invites contemplation of the interconnected nature of reality, bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration.

3. The Search for Meaning

Science and spirituality share a common quest for meaning. While science seeks to understand the mechanisms and laws governing the universe, spirituality delves into questions of purpose, ethics, and the human experience.

Many scientists, including renowned figures like Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein, have expressed a sense of awe and wonder at the mysteries of the cosmos. Their scientific pursuits are driven, in part, by a deep sense of curiosity and a desire to comprehend the profound questions of existence.

The convergence: The pursuit of meaning and understanding unites science and spirituality, as both seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe in their own unique ways.

4. Well-Being and Human Flourishing

Science has delved into the study of human well-being, exploring the factors that contribute to a fulfilling life. Positive psychology, for example, focuses on strengths, virtues, and factors that enhance human flourishing.

Spirituality also emphasizes well-being, often through practices that promote inner peace, contentment, and emotional balance. Mindfulness meditation, for instance, has been extensively studied for its positive effects on mental health and well-being.

The convergence: Both science and spirituality converge in their interest in human well-being, offering complementary approaches to understanding and nurturing mental and emotional health.

The Role of Conscious Living

Conscious living emerges as a key element in bridging the gap between science and spirituality. It serves as a unifying perspective that acknowledges the validity of both empirical inquiry and spiritual exploration. Here's how conscious living contributes to this convergence:

1. Mindful Awareness

Conscious living encourages mindful awareness—the practice of being fully present in the moment. Mindfulness allows individuals to appreciate the beauty and intricacies of the natural world, fostering a sense of wonder akin to that expressed by scientists and spiritual seekers.

2. Interconnectedness

Conscious living promotes the recognition of interconnectedness, echoing both scientific concepts of ecological interconnectedness and spiritual notions of oneness. This awareness of interconnectedness nurtures a sense of responsibility toward the environment and all living beings.

3. Ethical Choices

Conscious living encourages ethical choices that align with values of compassion, empathy, and sustainability. These choices resonate with both scientific principles of responsible stewardship of the planet and spiritual ethics centered on love and kindness.

4. Inner Exploration

Spiritual practices often involve inner exploration and self-discovery, which are integral to conscious living. Engaging in practices such as meditation and introspection deepens one's self-awareness and fosters a sense of inner peace.

Scientific Insights into Spiritual Experiences

Modern science has offered insights into the neural basis of spiritual experiences. Research in neuroscience and psychology has explored the brain mechanisms associated with feelings of transcendence, interconnectedness, and mystical states.

Key findings include:

  1. Neural Correlates of Meditation: Studies have shown that meditation practices can induce changes in brain activity associated with heightened awareness, emotional regulation, and altered states of consciousness.
  2. Effects of Psychedelics: Research into the effects of psychedelic substances like psilocybin and LSD has revealed their potential to induce profound mystical experiences. These experiences often involve a sense of interconnectedness and transcendence.
  3. Neurotheology: The emerging field of neurotheology investigates the neural basis of spiritual and religious experiences. It explores how specific brain regions and neurotransmitters may be involved in such experiences.

While these scientific investigations shed light on the brain's role in spiritual experiences, they do not negate the significance of these experiences or their potential for personal growth and transformation. Instead, they provide a neural framework for understanding the subjective aspects of spirituality.

Spiritual Insights into Scientific Exploration

Conversely, spiritual perspectives can enrich scientific exploration by offering insights into the profound interconnectedness of all life. Spiritual insights include:

  1. Oneness: Many spiritual traditions emphasize the concept of oneness—that all of existence is interconnected and part of a greater whole. This perspective aligns with ecological science's recognition of the interdependence of ecosystems.
  2. Transcendence: Spiritual experiences often involve a sense of transcendence, where individuals perceive a reality beyond the physical world. This mirrors the quest of theoretical physics to understand the fundamental nature of the universe.
  3. Consciousness: Spirituality explores the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the material world. These inquiries resonate with neuroscience's exploration of consciousness and the brain.

Conscious Living as a Bridge

Conscious living serves as a bridge that unites scientific inquiry and spiritual exploration. It invites individuals to embrace the empirical rigor of science while acknowledging the profound experiences and insights that spirituality offers.

1. An Invitation to Wonder

Conscious living encourages wonder and awe at the mysteries of the universe. It invites individuals to explore the cosmos with scientific curiosity while recognizing the transcendental experiences that spirituality unveils.

2. A Call for Responsible Stewardship

Conscious living emphasizes responsibility toward the environment and all living beings. This resonates with ecological science's call for responsible stewardship of the planet and the spiritual ethic of compassionate care for the Earth.

3. A Path to Inner Peace

Conscious living practices, such as mindfulness and meditation, lead to inner peace and emotional balance. These practices align with the pursuit of well-being in both scientific and spiritual contexts.

4. The Quest for Unity

Conscious living fosters a sense of unity and interconnectedness. It invites individuals to explore the profound interconnectedness of the universe as both a scientific reality and a spiritual truth.

The Potential for a Unifying Perspective

In a world facing complex challenges, the convergence of science, spirituality, and conscious living offers a unifying perspective. It invites individuals to transcend rigid dichotomies and embrace a holistic understanding of human existence and the universe.

This unifying perspective has the potential to:

  1. Foster Compassion: By recognizing the interconnectedness of all life, individuals are more likely to act with compassion and empathy toward others and the planet.
  2. Promote Sustainability: The awareness of our responsibility to the environment, rooted in both science and spirituality, can drive sustainable choices and environmental conservation efforts.
  3. Nurture Inner Fulfillment: The practices associated with conscious living lead to inner peace and fulfillment, contributing to individual well-being and emotional balance.
  4. Inspire Scientific Inquiry: The profound experiences of spirituality can inspire scientific curiosity and exploration, encouraging scientists to investigate the mysteries of the universe with a sense of wonder.

A Unified Vision

In the pursuit of understanding human existence and the universe, science, spirituality, and conscious living need not remain in separate domains. Instead, they can coalesce into a unified vision—one that honors empirical inquiry while embracing the transcendental, and that encourages wonder, compassion, and ethical responsibility.

This unified vision invites individuals to embark on a journey of exploration—one where the scientific method and spiritual insight complement each other, leading to a deeper understanding of both the material and metaphysical dimensions of reality. It is a vision that transcends duality and fosters a holistic perspective on life, consciousness, and the interconnectedness of all existence.

As humanity faces the challenges of the 21st century, this unifying perspective offers a path forward—a path where science, spirituality, and conscious living converge to illuminate the profound mysteries of the cosmos and guide humanity toward a more enlightened and harmonious future.

Pam Oslie
13 Jun, 2024
In this podcast, renowned visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, and author Pam Oslie joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on how to, “Unlock Your Potential: Quantum Leap in Transformation,” where you will discover how expanding your consciousness doesn’t always include shedding old beliefs, but rather allowing ourselves to expand upon, learn from, and discover more about in order to step into new ways of life that allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Sarah Wu
06 Jun, 2024
renowned writer and teacher Sarah Wu, a.k.a. The Village Witch, joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Collaborating with Nature,” where you will discover how to live more in tune and communicate with nature and see the benefits to your health and well-being that come from tapping into the bountiful gifts of the Earth. In this podcast, you will explore how the chaos of ecosystems can be a good thing, relaxing the way we try and exert control, making plants your allies, the true meaning of “The Sacred”, and how we can feed the growing population sustainably.
Debra poneman
22 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned TV Personality, author, seminar leader and pioneer in the world of Transformation Debra Poneman joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Saying YES to Living Our Ultimate Lives,” where you will discover how Debra’s 40+ year career has impacted thousands of people around the world and see how to start transforming your own life and community through learning to say “YES” and believe it.
Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein
16 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned scientists Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein join host Steve Farrell for an exploration of “Envisioning a New Tomorrow.” During this illuminating conversation, you will discover the newest discoveries from Gregg and Nassim and how emerging technologies will transform your life and the lives of the Global Collective.

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Pam Oslie
13 Jun, 2024
In this podcast, renowned visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, and author Pam Oslie joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on how to, “Unlock Your Potential: Quantum Leap in Transformation,” where you will discover how expanding your consciousness doesn’t always include shedding old beliefs, but rather allowing ourselves to expand upon, learn from, and discover more about in order to step into new ways of life that allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Sarah Wu
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renowned writer and teacher Sarah Wu, a.k.a. The Village Witch, joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Collaborating with Nature,” where you will discover how to live more in tune and communicate with nature and see the benefits to your health and well-being that come from tapping into the bountiful gifts of the Earth. In this podcast, you will explore how the chaos of ecosystems can be a good thing, relaxing the way we try and exert control, making plants your allies, the true meaning of “The Sacred”, and how we can feed the growing population sustainably.
Debra poneman
22 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned TV Personality, author, seminar leader and pioneer in the world of Transformation Debra Poneman joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Saying YES to Living Our Ultimate Lives,” where you will discover how Debra’s 40+ year career has impacted thousands of people around the world and see how to start transforming your own life and community through learning to say “YES” and believe it.
Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein
16 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned scientists Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein join host Steve Farrell for an exploration of “Envisioning a New Tomorrow.” During this illuminating conversation, you will discover the newest discoveries from Gregg and Nassim and how emerging technologies will transform your life and the lives of the Global Collective.
Pam Oslie
13 Jun, 2024
In this podcast, renowned visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, and author Pam Oslie joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on how to, “Unlock Your Potential: Quantum Leap in Transformation,” where you will discover how expanding your consciousness doesn’t always include shedding old beliefs, but rather allowing ourselves to expand upon, learn from, and discover more about in order to step into new ways of life that allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Sarah Wu
06 Jun, 2024
renowned writer and teacher Sarah Wu, a.k.a. The Village Witch, joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Collaborating with Nature,” where you will discover how to live more in tune and communicate with nature and see the benefits to your health and well-being that come from tapping into the bountiful gifts of the Earth. In this podcast, you will explore how the chaos of ecosystems can be a good thing, relaxing the way we try and exert control, making plants your allies, the true meaning of “The Sacred”, and how we can feed the growing population sustainably.
Debra poneman
22 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned TV Personality, author, seminar leader and pioneer in the world of Transformation Debra Poneman joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Saying YES to Living Our Ultimate Lives,” where you will discover how Debra’s 40+ year career has impacted thousands of people around the world and see how to start transforming your own life and community through learning to say “YES” and believe it.
Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein
16 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned scientists Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein join host Steve Farrell for an exploration of “Envisioning a New Tomorrow.” During this illuminating conversation, you will discover the newest discoveries from Gregg and Nassim and how emerging technologies will transform your life and the lives of the Global Collective.

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By Maggie Lyons 15 Jun, 2024
The profound reality of the oneness of existence and what it means for humanity on Earth is well expressed by Humanity’s Team. In a conversation with Steve Farrell, quantum physicists Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein elaborated on coming to the conclusion that the universe is alive, conscious, intelligent, and an infinite source of energy, of which we are an integral part. In fact, they observed, we have more power than we’ve ever realized. We don’t need external sources of energy because we are soft technology that is far more powerful than any other mainstream technology used today. My interview with Jen Fedorowicz in this blog post elaborates on the concept that all human beings are manifestations of the unified field’s infinite source of energy and thus have the power to self-heal. You don’t have to be a quantum physicist, a clairvoyant, or someone with extraordinary intelligence or spiritual gifts to be able to self-heal. You just need to embody the power of unconditional love for yourself and others. The quantum healing approach to life makes this embodiment possible for everyone. And its roots go far back in time to ancient wisdom that, while not coming from what we now know as quantum physics, was nevertheless manifestly true. Jen is a practitioner of quantum healing, a profound form of energy healing based on the concept that the human body is a manifestation of compressed universal (or cosmic) energy, and that energy is the master system of the body. * * * Maggie: Jen, how did you find your way into the bioenergetic field of self-healing? Jen: After studying yoga and reiki, I continued my studies through classes and books. One book in particular, Lynn McTaggart’s The Field, inspired me to learn more about the quantum energy field and led me to the teachings of Dr. Sue Morter and her bioenergetic synchronization technique (B.E.S.T.). I learned that we are the universe, or unified field, which is love. We are photons of light that vibrate to the frequency of this Divine love. Human beings self-heal because there’s nothing to heal. When we recognize who we are, we’re recognizing that we are this wholeness, the universe, God flowing through our body. As Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it, the more we connect to that vibrational flow and allow that energy, light, and Divine essence into our being, the less we exist as merely matter and density. The only thing we have to do to allow more energy is open our system and let it flow. As beings that live in our head, which is focused externally, we aren’t allowing this energy through our physical body, which is constricted because of the mind. That’s why it’s so powerful to focus on our breath and take deep, slow breaths that shift our system to a state of relaxation. This brings the mind back home, which allows us to receive more of the truth of who we are. It’s about letting go, allowing, and receiving. As you tune into that true part of you, the bigger part, you become aware that you are God, that you are Source energy in a body. You are pure love and that love is the healer. Maggie: And I’ll add here that only when you know who you are can you truly love yourself and, consequently, love all others, no matter their circumstances and role here on Earth. But knowing who we are is what makes aligning with the frequency of universal energy so hard. We’ve all been brought up with a completely different viewpoint. Although I came to realize that I no longer subscribed to an institutionalized religion, such as Christianity, I never for one moment thought that I was Divine. How do we know when we’re aligned with this Divine cosmic frequency? Jen: I believe it’s a feeling, a deep, inner feeling of unconditional love. For me, it was something that I had to practice until it was easy to re-create the feeling and connect to that Divine part of me. And it continues to be a daily practice. Maggie: My next question has to do with matter as compressed energy. Albert Einstein said that “concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses.” Can you explain the profundity of this statement? Jen: Everything we experience in our three-dimensional world is energy. All of it is vibrating at different frequencies, compressing and becoming what we observe with our senses as physical matter. All of this energy comes from the same Divine source, and it is all interconnected. Everything we observe, including our physical body, is in constant motion. Because everything is in motion, it is constantly changing (even though, for most of us, it’s merely changing to the same state it has always been in). When we understand that everything is in motion and is in a constant state of change, anything we observe in our world or our body has the ability to change into a different state of reality. Quantum physics has proven that we create our reality through our perception, which means we have the power to change our reality through our thoughts and expectations. As Wayne Dyer said, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Maggie: There are trillions of these frequencies emitted from everything in the universe, and they all make up the unified field. You and I have unique vibrations, but we are also an integral part of the universe. Does this explain why the universe is expanding? Jen: I don’t know how or why the universe is expanding. I just know that we live in an expanding universe, and because we are the universe in a body, we, too, are expanding. We are our own unique compression of the unified field, streaming. I think it’s important to understand that the unified field is consciousness, and we are a stream of that consciousness. Even a rock or a tree is consciousness. The great awakening is happening; people are waking up to the fact that they are not this little, separate self that is a victim of life. They are, in fact, the universe streaming through a body that is projecting a life. Maggie: “Projecting a life?” Jen: Each one of us is made of the creative energy of the universe. We are creating our life through our thoughts and emotions, which project our lives as if we were a movie projector casting images onto a screen. Another way to say it is that the energy flows through us and out into our life, and we step into the movie we are creating. That’s why our thoughts and emotions can change the life we are living. Maggie: Can you describe the bioenergetic synchronization technique (B.E.S.T.), and within that technique describe how we align our vibrational frequency with that of Divine universal energy? Jen: B.E.S.T. works with the master system, or the energy field, of the body, which runs the nervous system. When the energy field is aligned and flowing as intended, innate healing can happen. Each of us was born with an innate ability to heal from within. Life, stress, and unresolved emotion can result in a build-up of “gunk” in the field. B.E.S.T. clears the unresolved emotion and allows the field to perfect and align so that the flow of Divine cosmic, or universal, energy moves as intended through the body. Maggie: So B.E.S.T. helps with the physical preparation for—I want to say “spiritual.” Is that the right word? Jen: Yes, spirit and energy can be used interchangeably. Your energy field is your master system, which the spiritual world would refer to as spirit and science would call energy. Your master system created your nervous system that created the physical body. So when you tune, align, or bring the master system of energy/spirit into balance, it affects the nervous system, and that affects the physical body. Maggie: Does this spiritual approach necessitate getting our overly protective mind out of the process? Jen: We are made of mind, body and breath (spirit). We are made of all three. We need a mind, but we don’t want it to run our life. In my trainings from Dr. Sue I have learned to embrace the mind, to draw the mind into the body and allow it to serve the soul Maggie: And we heal as a byproduct of aligning our body’s frequency with that of the universe. So, which diseases can be healed? And what about mental illness? Jen: There is nothing that cannot be healed when we embody the spirit. It is the unconditional love of the unified field that heals. Maggie: If you succeed in letting go, relaxing, taking deep breaths, and aligning your frequency with that of the unified field, why doesn’t healing take place immediately? Jen: Well, I certainly don’t have all of the answers. I believe each soul is on its own path, and sometimes a physical condition is a part of that path. I also understand that if energy has been stuck in the body affecting muscles and tissues, once the energy is flowing as expected, it may take time for the physicality to respond. Maggie: I’d like to go back for a moment to how you set out on your quantum healing journey after reading Lynn McTaggart’s The Field. What was it that put that book in your hands and made you want to read it? Jen: I believe it was a synchronicity. I don’t even remember how it came to me, and honestly, it was a bit over my head. But I was intrigued with the explanations of the experiments and how it showed we are all connected to everything. It sort of started me down a rabbit hole of inquiry of energy and the universe. Maggie: My last question is what will be the long-term outcome of large numbers of people approaching life from the perspective of quantum healing? By this I mean not necessarily as an organized group, but simply as individuals? Jen: I believe it is already happening. The planet is shifting as more people connect to and realize that love is the most powerful vibration. Even one person affects the collective. It’s summed up by the hymn, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” I know many people who want to focus on the negative things happening in the world, to try and change them. But we actually create more powerful change by pouring love on the situations we wish were different. I see it every day in my own life. Maggie: I do too. I’m meeting more and more people who seem to be practicing unconditional love and are ready to embrace that better way of life. Jen: So, I’d like to believe that we’ve already tipped the scale. __________________ A follow-up blog post elaborating on some of the material in this interview is planned.
Pam Oslie
13 Jun, 2024
In this podcast, renowned visionary, consultant, professional psychic intuitive, and author Pam Oslie joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on how to, “Unlock Your Potential: Quantum Leap in Transformation,” where you will discover how expanding your consciousness doesn’t always include shedding old beliefs, but rather allowing ourselves to expand upon, learn from, and discover more about in order to step into new ways of life that allow us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Sarah Wu
06 Jun, 2024
renowned writer and teacher Sarah Wu, a.k.a. The Village Witch, joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Collaborating with Nature,” where you will discover how to live more in tune and communicate with nature and see the benefits to your health and well-being that come from tapping into the bountiful gifts of the Earth. In this podcast, you will explore how the chaos of ecosystems can be a good thing, relaxing the way we try and exert control, making plants your allies, the true meaning of “The Sacred”, and how we can feed the growing population sustainably.
Debra poneman
22 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned TV Personality, author, seminar leader and pioneer in the world of Transformation Debra Poneman joins host Charissa Sims for a discussion on “Saying YES to Living Our Ultimate Lives,” where you will discover how Debra’s 40+ year career has impacted thousands of people around the world and see how to start transforming your own life and community through learning to say “YES” and believe it.
Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein
16 May, 2024
In this podcast, renowned scientists Gregg Braden and Nassim Haramein join host Steve Farrell for an exploration of “Envisioning a New Tomorrow.” During this illuminating conversation, you will discover the newest discoveries from Gregg and Nassim and how emerging technologies will transform your life and the lives of the Global Collective.
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By Jessi Whan 24 Apr, 2024
The Akasha, also known as an eternal Ether, is a place that does not belong to one unique soul but belongs to all souls. The Akashic Records, in essence, is a storehouse of information on all deeds, actions, thoughts, creations, and destructions brought forth by each individual. All that has ever lived, breathed, and operated is included within the vast landscape of the Akashic Records. The Akasha belongs to all, and a specific Record belongs to each unique soul. To put this Ether in terms of understanding, it’s important to know that there is a thinking stuff that exists between each and every one of us. This thinking stuff we perceive as invisible. It is as clear as the air we breathe and as lucid as the subtle energies that flow among us. It is in front of us, behind us, and all around us. We are constantly held and supported by this invisible force as it walks with us in each action of our lives. The Akasha is there with us when we contemplate, and especially so when we stagnate. This Ether is moving; it's malleable and formative and, above all else, intelligent. We are fortunate enough in this cosmic creation that we find ourselves living in to have a force so strong and compassionate that it can help us through any downfall or delay we may face. The process of uploading our life path to our own unique Akashic Record is built upon a strong foundation of trust. This is the ultimate example of the Universal Law of Giving and Receiving. Our trust in this Ether is the act of Giving, and the intelligence that communicates back with us when we access this Ether is the act of Receiving. This works in a balanced dynamic, as both the Akasha and the Individual are completing the cycle of Giving and Receiving, and this cycle is built entirely upon information and the trust that comes with sharing this information. Therefore, it’s essential for those who wish to access their own Akashic Records to operate their lives in the same cycle of Giving and Receiving, with their life based on the value of trust and integrity. The Akashic Records allow us to access the non-locality of our subconscious mind and, in more spiritual terms, is an entry point to the superconscious mind that we are all connected to. As we explore the layers of our own Akashic Records, we can find ourselves back as our Soul Self and gain a brighter understanding of the people in our lives, the dynamics we have with one another, and the relationships we have played with each other in past lives. Exploring the Akashic Records in this way can give us a better understanding of the lessons we’ve chosen to work through in this life and remind us of the potency of the initial contracts we have chosen to sign entering into this incarnation. When the mindset of victimhood falls upon us during our earthly existence, it’s a powerful antidote to be reminded of our own choosing in these matters. This remedy is given to us by those in the Spirit world who have dedicated themselves to be by our sides and help us in times of forgetting, neglecting, and avoiding. Avoidance tendencies are commonplace when we forget the greater good and reasoning for our learning through certain lessons. When we fall into this pattern, our Akashic Records can bring us back into a state of alignment with our life’s purpose and enlighten us about the self-imposed blocks we have set up during times of doubt. Entering into our Records brings our consciousness to a new dimensional space and, in this way, allows us to perceive our life’s circumstances from an entirely new perspective. The Akashic Records work on the basis of awareness and since this Ether is built upon information, it saves us through the shifting and restructuring of the way we are currently analyzing our reality. This knowledge is shared with us through loving connections with our Guides, Teachers, and Loved ones who meet us in our Akashic Records each time we access this sacred space. Our Team of Light provides us with answers to some of our life’s most pressing questions, assisting in the restructuring of options available to us. The awareness that comes from this process results in a profound shift that quite literally restructures one’s reality for the highest and greatest good. When we seek answers to our problems away from the light of the Akashic Records, Ego becomes very much a part of this process. We can be swayed by victimhood, betrayal, and ingrained neural pathways that jump us to certain conclusions based on our past conditioning and the way we have been programmed to view reality. Once we step into the light of the Akasha, our past conditioning is no longer at the forefront of our decision-making process, and we are graced with answers that go beyond our current understanding of the situation at hand. The Akashic Records magnify our enlightened qualities and show us the way through our problems, all while carving us a new path of least resistance to take in life. When we feel lost in these incarnations, our Akashic Records become a guiding light in the dark.  About Jessi Whan: Jessi Whan is an Akashic Record Practitioner who specializes in creating a bridge between her clients and their Team of Light. It’s known that after each incarnation, time is spent overseeing the life one's recently lived with their Guides, Teachers, and Loved ones. Jessi's work grants clients the opportunity for mid-life reviews, where she deeply dives into her client's current incarnation. Together, they gain insights into Past Life Imprints, Soul Contracts, Karmic Connections, and Futuristic Probabilities. She loves helping others shift into a deeper state of awareness through her work with the Akashic Records.
barnet bain
18 Apr, 2024
In this podcast, Barnet Bain renowned filmmaker, speaker, author, and educator, shares his wisdom and insights into how creating can be the key to finding greater fulfillment as he delves into “The Transformative Power of Creativity.” Through his discussion with host, Steve Farrell, Barnet will show you how to embody the two driving forces of creativity—inspiration and action. You will come to realize how everything in life is a process of creation, which holds the power to change your life, reality, and connect to your higher consciousness.
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