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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

January 2020 Humanity's Team Newsletter

Happy New Year 2020 newsletter header
Welcome to Humanity's Team Newsletter where you can find a brief glimpse of a few things happening in our organization.
Steve Farrell
A Message from Steve

Join Steve Farrell for a weekly short inspirational video message on the Humanity's Team Facebook page or on YouTube. You'll be glad you did!

Make a Difference Corner

Life Works Best if We Help Each Other Both men in the picture to the right are residents in this specialty hospital, and both are in their forties. John is on the left and holds two Master's degrees and one undergraduate degree. He is reading to Jason who is the father of 5 beautiful children, and is slowly losing the gift of sight. Some of the names of people and places have been changed for those who weren’t comfortable with sharing their identities and locations…

I never gave helicopters a thought, not even a passing thought until the day I landed myself in the local hospital emergency room (via an ambulance) with a severely broken hip.

Two men sitting
Two men sitting

Within five days of my hip repair, I was transferred from the hospital to a specialty hospital to focus on physical therapy. This particular care facility (specialty hospital) is a half block away from the local one. It serves as a nursing home for the elderly, for mentally ill residents, a physical rehab center, an occupational rehab center, long-term care for other maladies such as paralyzation and brain injuries. Until my walking, standing and lifting muscles heal, I fall into the short-term/physical rehab category--an activity I will likely remember until the end of time.


Now, where was I? Oh, that’s right, helicopters. Suddenly I became keenly and acutely aware of helicopters landing and/or taking off every ½ hour or so once I was at the specialty hospital. The helicopter helipad on the neighboring hospital roof blared and “whomped” in an acute and percussive fashion.

For over 40 years I’ve lived in Carriage, Colorado, a relatively small town, and the number of these “flights for life” helicopters carrying many injured or ill people surprised me. I now hear every helicopter as it takes off or lands. ...helicopters were out of sight and out of mind before. I’ve gone back in time making the habit of crossing myself--a quick blessing to send good thoughts to the injured and the ill.

Back to giving and receiving from patients at the specialty hospital… Sean sought help for Benji, a very overweight individual, so he wouldn’t miss his ride to the dialysis clinic; Carolyn often comforted Greg, an elderly gentleman who couldn’t sort out how he ended up in this specialty hospital and why he couldn’t remember ever arriving. Carolyn often took her fingertips and rubbed small circles on his temples to calm him down.

More on Benji… Essentially, he is a 50-years-old boy. He has a type of diabetes where he can’t feel full from eating. Consequently he takes food from other’s plates and hears chastizing from the staff and the fellow patients that he needs to stop eating.

One quiet and late evening 90-year-old Rose passed away. By simply sitting near me, she used to help me with my panic attacks and I helped her with hers; mostly I would massage her small and soft hands. I cried when I found out about her death, and I realized at the same time she was no longer struggling or moaning in despair.

A couple of days later, Benji proudly rolled along in his brand new extra wide wheelchair down one of the building’s long hallways... right in front of me. This makes passing Benji impossible. I became patient and still and all ears as Benji sang out loud and in perfect pitch. Here are the words I heard~

Amazing Grace,
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind but now I see
Was Grace that taught my heart to fear
And Grace, my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

I wept from a swift and simple elation, an angelic voice, and Benji’s happiness with the whole of the universe.

Maybe we should all reflect and allow for the apportioning of thoughts, those that make differences in our Lives and the Lives of Others... like our sharing helicopters or reading or roses or moments of Amazing Graces.

By Nannette Kennedy

Current Program

The Secret Power of Human Vision with World-Renowned Spiritual Teachers Matthew Fox, Patricia Cota-Robles & Sister Jenna.
This program is complimentary. Click here to find out more.
The first free message is with Rev. Matthew.

Country Coordinator

Humanity's Team Romania and Loredana Man (Loredana is 2nd from the end on the right, is the Romanian Humanity's Teams' Country Coordinator) launched a Christmas Carols' Festival for Peace on December 13th! Thank you for your time and effort, Loredana, and thank the children for those of us who are not there!

Humanity's Team A Course in Miracles Facebook page & Neale Donald Walsch book discussion group

This Facebook page shares psychological tools of thought from A Course In Miracles. Regular posts include graphical quotations from the text and lyrical videos. Page is moderated by Tim Noe.

Join the Neale Donald Walsch book discussion group. This group meets every Sunday from 11am-12:00 noon Pacific Time. All are welcome. Group is moderated by Nannette Kennedy.

Here is the connect info. We are reading Neale Donald Walsch's book: Tomorrow's God. All are welcome. To find the time in your area:

Here's the link to join the meeting:
Or use your telephone:
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 

Meeting ID: 932 973 124
International numbers available:

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