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A 501(c)(3)  Nonprofit

March 2020 Humanity's Team Newsletter

Welcome to Humanity's Team Newsletter where you can find a brief glimpse of a few things happening in our organization.

March Newsletter

"In Like A Lion, Out Like a Lamb" is what many say about March... The thought of course is that if the month comes in like a lion (roaring with viciously cold winds) and goes out like a lamb (calmly and docile), the weather forthcoming will surely be mild.

Another March tradition is based on the "In like a Lion" part of this saying and that would be the building and flying of kites (or one can always purchase a kite). What surprised me were the benefits of kite flying. "Kite flying is said to be a great way to clear your mind, have fun, and has several health benefits," says Dr. Jeannie Kenkare.

She further asserts: Kite flying is a great way to clear your mind, have fun, and has several health benefits.

1. Eye stimulation – With our constant use of mobile phones and computer screens, our eyes can get tired and unfocused. Focusing on a distant object against a soothing blue sky can reduce eye strain caused by ever present technology.

2. Neck/Shoulder Exercise – Sitting at a desk doesn’t promote good posture; flying a kite allows us to stretch our neck and shoulder muscles.

3. Stress Reliever – Flying a kite is relaxing. When watching a kite drift across an open, blue sky, one focuses on the moment, not on the daily stresses of life.

4. Connect to Nature – Being outdoors provides an opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty present in the sky and in surrounding landscapes that is sometimes taken for granted.

5. Fresh Air – Filling your lungs with fresh air can revitalize and refresh.

Happy New Year 2020 newsletter header
Steve Farrell
A Message from Steve

Join Steve Farrell for a weekly short inspirational video message on the Humanity's Team Facebook page  or on YouTube. You'll be glad you did!

Make a Difference Corner

A friend of Steve Farrell's collects gift cards to buy the homeless meals. Way to go! Keep up the life of Oneness!
Two men sitting
Complimentary Program Series

Smarter, Stronger, Faster

Discover Why You Don’t Need Technology to Take a Giant Leap Forward in Human Development... with World-Renowned Visionaries: Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton & Lynne McTaggart

And don't forget St. Patrick's day!

St. Patrick’s Day observes the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods such as corned beef and cabbage, shepherd's pie and Irish soda bread. Festive bagpipes sound, dancers tap their feet, drinkers drink and a whole lot of green backdrops the entire day.
Two men sitting
Humanity's Team A Course in Miracles Facebook page & Neale Donald Walsch book discussion group

This Facebook page shares psychological tools of thought from A Course In Miracles. Regular posts include graphical quotations from the text and lyrical videos. Page is moderated by Tim Noe.

Join the Neale Donald Walsch book discussion group. This group meets every Sunday from 11am-12:00 noon Pacific Time. All are welcome. Group is moderated by Nannette Kennedy.

Here is the connect info. We are reading Neale Donald Walsch's book: Tomorrow's God. All are welcome. To find the time in your area:

Here's the link to join the meeting:
Or use your telephone:
US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 

Meeting ID: 932 973 124
International numbers available:

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